Dear dear Santa Claus,
This is my compiled wish-list for the long-waited christmas! Please! please! pretty pretty please do grant me all my wishes....
- Become more capable as a person intellectually and emotionally
symbol of intelligence and ingenuity
- Be more confident to express out and speak up
- Lessen the unexpected & unwanted screw-ups that popped out in my endeavours
- Clinching a place at one of the local uni during the 2009 intake
- Getting the twilight-series at an affordable price
- Finding the right time to eat gelatissimo ice-cream
- Going on another shopping spree with friends
- An adventurous oversea trip to perhaps the golden city Prague???
Thank You!
With lots of love...
Yours Sincerely,
Hopefully it can reach to you at... North Pole... yeah...
Lastly, i would hearty like to wish everybody
Merry Christmas!!!
My ideal Christmas at Lalaland...
None of the above
But still manage to capture this extravagant gleaming silvery Christmas Tree put up by Lee Wah Jewellery @Bugis Pacro while shopping with valerie and her bro, Jeremy... isn't it lovely~