Friday, October 12, 2007

Snip snip...

I realised something today...

People whom you may be on good terms with, people whom you can crap with or easily picked up a conversation, may not necessary be those whom you can work well with in a team doing project work.... I guess i am more of an "individualist" as i really prefer to work alone than in a group...

I find it hard to work with my pw mates...

I was damned frustrated with's wasting alot of my precious time, depriving my revision for my chinese and econs, which i certainly felt that i can do well in it spending all these priceless time on them instead on something which seems to bear no fruits no matter how much effort i invest in.

So frustrated that i have bolted back home after school, switch off my hp so that i won't be hearing anything from my pw mates or rather, about pw...i wanted to run..faraway from it.

I am debating with myself whether is it worth it for me to spend so much time on pw...i haven't even touch my other H1s...Really have this urge to heck about pw since its just weigh about a fucking 10%.

Yea.. i also went to cut my hair...its about time to...i never let my hair grow more than about 1 year...that's why the longest length i ever had is just merely a little bit longer than shoulder length...haha. Guess that i just grow sick of it and wanted to make some changes after a while, just like having a small ripple to shake up the mundane, routine life.

Snip snip...bits of fine liked pencil lead hair fall silently....snip snip....snip snip....let all my frustrations be intergrated into it...snip snip...let it fall....

Yea... my head felt so much lighter with this brand new hairstyle. I promised i will braced up to face pw and won't be a burden, a liablity to my group mates.

Seriously, i can't imagine why some people can be so thick-skinned by being a free-loader, expecting others to prepare his food and get to savour it without helping out!

Don't they have any pride?
Do they know that actually nobody owes them any shit?

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